We are glad to share with you the open call for the 16th Annual Dia de La Mujer Exhibition.
This year’s curator is Katie Ruiz.
Download Guidelines —-> Dia de la Mujer Guidelines 2023
Descargar las instrucciones (tema en español) —-> Dia de la mujer Instrucciones 2023
Download Fillable Application —-> Fillable-Dia de la Mujer APPLICATION
Download Printable Application —-> Printable APPLICATION

Casa Familiar presents
16th Annual Dia de la Mujer Art Exhibition at The FRONT Arte & Cultura
Womxn, Words & Weaving
Curated by: Katie Ruiz
Art Exhibition Entry Agreement & Guidelines
(Note: applications will only be accepted by e-mail)
Submit application: C/O Dia de la Mujer 2023
E-mail to: [email protected]
All applications require attachments and photo/video samples of artwork.
They need to be submitted by the deadline. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Artists will be contacted via e-mail.
Maximum 1 entry per artist
Exhibition Dates: March 4th through May 5th, 2023
ELIGIBILITY: Open to BiPOC womxn and non-binary artists. Submitted artwork
must have been executed in the last 2 years and must be available for the duration of
the exhibit. Only 10 artists will be selected through the open call. Selected artists will receive a
$100 honorarium.
Important Dates
Deadline for Entry Friday, Feb 3th 5pm PST
Artist Notification Friday, Feb 10nd
Artwork Drop off, Feb 13 – Feb 17
Opening Reception, Saturday March 4th
Exhibition Ends, Friday May 5th
Art Pick-up, May 8 – 12, 2023
*Program sponsored by The City of San Diego Commission for Art & Culture
Participating artists are asked to submit their artwork in exploration and conversation with
this theme:
Womxn, Words & Weaving
The concept of this exhibit explores the ways women have shared their stories through often
invisible art forms. Textiles have been used for centuries as a modality to describe a person’s
tribe, story, number of children, harvests, moon cycles and more. This laborious craft is an act of
activism through which beauty, color and narrative flourish.
Through colonialism, slavery, femicide and sexism, womxn have managed to speak truth
through creation rather than destruction. Poetry which once was not allowed for womxn, is now
spoken on the rooftops. Symbols on Huipiles helped women identify each other’s community
and shared stories. Shared narrative builds community and trust.
This exhibit will honor those women who have blazed a pathway for future generations. As we
celebrate through these bold works amplifying voices through poetry and textiles.
Any artwork or performance relating to womxn, feminism, poetry or textiles may be submitted.
Artwork may include sculpture, 2D work, video, performance and poetry.
1. COMPLETED APPLICATION (by email) All fields should be filled out, and required
attachments submitted with application. Each artist is limited to 1 entry.
2. CATEGORIES: artists must select one of two categories for entry.
1. Established Artist (Track record of previous exhibition, publication, articles, etc.)
2. Emerging Artist (Community members with no artistic track record, under recognized artist, or artists in development).
3. ATTACHMENT 1 – IMAGES – Submit a high-resolution image by email. (Minimum 1,
maximum 3 images – Image resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixels); entering this
competition constitutes agreement that images may be used for program or publicity
purposes. Video could be downloadable or available to watch online.
4. ATTACHMENT 2 – ARTWORK & ARTIST STATEMENT -A brief statement about
the work being submitted should be included as well as artist’s biographical information.
5. DEADLINE TO APPLY: February 3th, 2023, 11:59pm Pacific time.
6. ALL MEDIA ACCEPTED. We encourage artists to submit proposals in all mediums,
performance art, actions or projects that could engage the community. Performances, video,
paintings, prints, sculpture, will be accepted.
7. ARTWORK SUBMISSION: All accepted entries/works of art must be delivered to the
exhibition address by Feb 17, 2023. THE FRONT – 147 W San Ysidro Blvd., San Ysidro, CA
8. SHIPMENT OF ARTWORK. – If Artwork is to be shipped, the Artist shall assume
complete monetary responsibility for shipping and handling costs for their shipment to the
gallery as well as their return to the Artist. Casa Familiar is not responsible for damage or loss
occurring once artwork has been delivered to a shipping company.
9. FRAMES AND MATS: All accepted artwork must be framed or otherwise professionally
presented and ready for exhibition. Entries must be in finished condition ready for handling and
display. When appropriate, works should be framed with hanging hardware included for their own protection.
10. PUBLIC SALES: Casa Familiar Gallery’s Commission; Terms of Payment. The Gallery
shall sell the Artworks only at the Retail Price specified by the artist. The Gallery and the Artist
agree that the Gallery’s commission is to be 30% of the Retail Price of the Artwork. Payment to
the Artist shall be made by Casa Familiar at the end of the art exhibit, and will include all
commissions due for any/all artworks sold. The artists may choose to designate artwork as NFS
(not for sale).
11. ACCEPTANCE/LIABILITY: Artwork must be clearly labeled with artist name, phone
number, email address, and title of work at time of drop off. The utmost care will be given to
each entry received; entries are submitted at artist’s/owner’s own risk. The organizers and hosts
are not responsible for the loss of or damage to works, frames, glass, or any other component of
the art.