Hello everybody, we are glad to share with you the open call for the 15th Annual Dia de La Mujer Exhibition. This year’s curator is Monica Hernandez.
Download Guidelines —-> Open Call 2022 Dia De La Mujer Guidelines English
Descargar las instrucciones (tema en español) —-> Open Call 2022 Dia De La Mujer Guidelines Spanish
Download Fillable Application —-> Fillable Love is an Action APPLICATION
Download Printable Application —-> Love is an Action APPLICATION

Monica Hernandez was raised in San Ysidro and has been actively engaged in community building, empowerment and the arts since high school. She graduated from UC Berkeley with a Bachelor of Arts in Chicanx Studies with an interdisciplinary focus in social justice, cultural studies and multimedia. Monica was one of the co-founders and the first Art & Culture Director of Casa Familiar’s The Front, where she curated numerous exhibitions (2004) and was part of the collaborative that organized the first Dia de La Mujer at The Front (2008). She is also an alumni of NALAC’s (National Association of Latinx Arts & Culture) Leadership Institute.
Monica is an interdisciplinary artivist and cultural worker who goes by the artist’s name of “wika”. Her art and praxis are primarily informed by her upbringing along the US///Mexico border, hip-hop culture, indigenismo and social justice movements. Monica has been invited to give lectures and workshops across the U.S. to raise awareness on human rights violations along the border. She was an Associate Producer of Rights on the Line: Vigilantes at the Border (2005), a presenter at the World Social Forum (2006) and organized a community-wide art walk with 7 galleries in Barrio Logan, themed – Don’t Shoot: Show Love (2014) to challenge an upsurge of police brutality in San Diego.
Currently, Monica is Casa Familiar’s Development & Social Impact Officer, overseeing organizational fundraising and advocacy efforts mainly in the areas of social equity, immigrant rights and environmental justice. She is also presently a part of the Sin Fronteras Writing Group lead by Herbert Siguenza (Playwright in Residence at the San Diego Rep & Co-Founder of Culture Clash) that is actively gathering testimonies of San Diego Chicanx activists and community members from the 1970’s who were engaged in the takeover of Chicano Park, to create an upcoming flor y canto visual performance piece (2022).
Casa Familiar Arts & Culture presents
15th Annual Dia de la Mujer Art Exhibition at The FRONT
Love is an Action
Art Exhibition Entry Agreement & Guidelines
(Note: applications will only be accepted by e-mail)
Submit application: C/O Dia de la Mujer 2022
E-mail to: [email protected]
For questions, please call (619) 962 – 6757, Mon – Thursday 11 – 6 pm.
All applications, required attachments and photo/video samples of artwork need to be submitted by the deadline. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Artists will be contacted via e-mail.
Entry fee: Free – maximum 1 art piece (per artist)
Exhibition Dates: 3/5/2021– 5/5/2021
ELIGIBILITY: Open to BiPOC womyn and non-binary artists. Submitted artwork must have been executed in the last 2 years and must be available for the duration of the exhibit.
GUEST CURATOR: Monica Hernandez
Deadline for Entry |
Sunday, Feb 13th, 2022 5:00pm PST |
Artists Notification |
Tuesday Feb 17th, 2022 |
Artwork Drop off |
Feb 21st – Feb 25th, 2022 |
Opening Reception |
Saturday March 5th, 2022 |
Exhibition Ends |
Friday May 6st, 2022 |
Art Pick-Up Deadline |
Thursday May 12th, 2022 |
*Program sponsored by The City of San Diego Commission for Art & Culture, and the National Association for Latino Arts & Culture
Participating artists are asked to submit their artwork in exploration and conversation with this theme:
Love is an Action
amor en los tiempos de pandemia
The first Dia de la Mujer celebration, Mujeres: Fuerte Como el Amor (Women: Bold as Love), took place 15 years ago on International Women’s Day – March 8th, 2008 as a response to the lack of art space and support available to BiPOC womyn and non-binary artists particularly in historically marginalized communities throughout San Diego. The exhibit was an affirmation and celebration of our voices and collective work as artists. We dared to be bold by creating a space where we could support one another to express ourselves unapologetically but guided by love.
15 years later, we have attained many accomplishments as BiPOC womyn and non-binary artists, but we continue to face many of the same issues perpetuated by systems of oppression that have kept us disparaged, unheard and unseen. On top of that, we are living through the unprecedented times of a global pandemic which has brought many of us a lot of uncertainty, anxiety and/or despair. It has also been a time of reflection.
This call out is an invitation to present works that are reflective of the times we are living in and how we are living in time. Are our ways of living and treating one another dismantling or supporting systems of oppression? Are our ways of inhabiting the planet protecting it or contributing to its unsustainability?
This invitation asks you to consider where we are and who we are – to celebrate our resiliency, but more so, it is a request to think about who we want to be and what we need to do to get there. It is a challenge, left to us by the amazing activist-scholar bell hooks, to think of LOVE as an ACTION. Her works are a reminder that “the moment we choose to love, we begin to move against domination and oppression… and act in ways that liberate ourselves and others”. It is a request to elevate the interconnectedness of all our relations and explore love as a movement towards other possible worlds. It is a call to boldness and a return to love.
- COMPLETED APPLICATION (by email) All fields should be filled out, and required attachments submitted with application. Each artist is limited to 1 entry.
- CATEGORIES: artists must select one of two categories for entry.
1. EstablishedArtist (Track record of previous exhibition, publication, articles, etc.)
2. Emerging Artist (Community members with no artistic track record, under recognized artist, or artists in development).
- ATTACHMENT 1 – IMAGES – Submit a high-resolution image by email. (Minimum 1, maximum 3 images – Image resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixels); entering this competition constitutes agreement that images may be used for program or publicity purposes.
- ATTACHMENT 2 – ARTWORK & ARTIST STATEMENT -A brief statement about the work being submitted should be included as well as artist’s biographical information.
- DUE BY: February 11th, 2022, 11:59pm Pacific time.
6. ALL MEDIA ACCEPTED. This year we are encouraging artists to submit proposals in all mediums, performance art, actions or projects that could engage the community in unconventional forms & spaces due to the pandemic restrictions and health concerns. Interventions, concerts, performances, pop-up events, net art, will be considered as well as paintings, prints, sculpture, etc. However, the selection of such proposals will be evaluated by the curatorial committee according to their viability and production possibilities.
7. ENTRIES: No entries that have been in previous competitive exhibitions are eligible.
8. ARTWORK SUBMISSION: All accepted entries/works of art must be delivered to the exhibition address by Feb 11, 2022. THE FRONT – 147 W San Ysidro Blvd., San Ysidro, CA 92173.
9. SHIPMENT OF ARTWORK. – If Artwork is to be shipped, Artist shall assume complete monetary responsibility for shipping and handling costs for their shipment to the gallery as well as their return to the Artist. Casa Familiar is not responsible for damage or loss occurring once artwork has been delivered to shipping company.
10. FRAMES AND MATS: All accepted artwork must be framed or otherwise professionally presented and ready for exhibition. Entries must be in finished condition for handling and display. When appropriate, works should be framed with hanging hardware included (no saw-tooth hangers) for their own protection.
11. PUBLIC SALES: Casa Familiar Gallery’s Commission; Terms of Payment. The Gallery shall sell the Artworks only at the Retail Price specified by the artist. The Gallery and the Artist agree that the Gallery’s commission is to be 30 percent of the Retail Price of the Artwork. Payment to the Artist shall be made by Casa Familiar at the end of the art exhibit, and will include all commissions due for any/all artworks sold. The artists may choose to designate artwork as NFS (not for sale).
12. ACCEPTANCE/LIABILITY: Artwork must be clearly labeled with artist name, phone number, email address, and title of work at time of drop off. The utmost care will be given to each entry received; entries are submitted at artist’s/owner’s own risk. The organizers and hosts are not responsible for the loss of or damage to works, frames, glass, or any other component of the art.