New artistic residence at El Salon Theatre with Miroslava Wilson and Briseida Lopez

We are excited to welcome Miroslava Wilson and Briseida López, professional dancers and choreographers from the border region, to El Salon Theatre for the first time. They will be doing a short dance residency and will end with a free workshop for the community. 

Dance and Somatic Movement Workshop

During their artistic residency at El Salon Teatro, Miroslava and Briseida will carry out an experimental workshop called «Creatura», in which through their meeting, they have developed research guidelines where somatics, dance and philosophy meet, to give rise to a new performative-choreographic piece.

Both maintain that when humans encounter impermanence, they transform into nameless creatures, into two bodies of water with multiple heads, into a single mass pulsating with life.

More about the workshop:

During the workshop, we will spend time together and enjoy the sensations that water produces in our body. We will do this by moving, breathing and meeting others. We will enjoy what our body can do when moving and share what we discover in the laboratory. This will be an introduction to the presentation of the work in progress «Creatura», which was made during the creative residency.

Workshop aimed at the entire community and all ages.

Date and Time:

  • July 18, 2024
  • 6:00 pm Workshop
  • 6.40pm Presentation of work in progress.

To register for the workshop please send an email to: [email protected]

This program was possible thanks to the collaboration between ConnecArte Espacio y Movimiento and Casa Familiar through The Front Arte y Cultura.

Meet Briseida Lopez:

A Mexican living in the border city of Tijuana, López graduated from the Professional Dance School of Mazatlán, Sinaloa and has worked with choreographers such as Claudia Lavista, Phillip Adams, Allyson Green, Leslie Seiters, Joe Alter, Daina Ashbee, Jess Humphrey, and Sebastian Garcia Ferro. Current artistic interests include interdisciplinary performance practices that broaden the scenic spectrum to include global concepts and codes capable of generating interaction between spectators and performers. Her passion for dance as a dialogue between space, the physical, sensorial, emotional, social and abstract bodies, and diverse socio-cultural contexts. López leverages dance as a powerful stimulus for scenic creation, energetic renewal, holistic well-being and a catalyst for the regeneration of social fabrics in her work with incarcerated youth and the elderly.

Meet Miroslava Wilson:

Miroslava Wilson is an interdisciplinary artist. Upon arriving in Tijuana, Mexico in 2007, she co-founded and choreographed at the contemporary dance company Péndulo Cero. She graduated from the Professional School of Contemporary Dance of Mazatlán; with also a bachelor’s degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Sonora, and a master’s degree in Marine Sciences/ Marine Biology from UNAM. She co founded and co-directed the Chilean-Mexican company Hunabkú Danza from 2003 to 2006.

Miroslava Wilson is committed to the development of comprehensive, artistic, environmental, and humanistic spaces and projects that favor social integration, the development of consciousness, and the co-responsibility of the individual as a social entity and co-inhabitant of the planet. Her work as a choreographer and dancer has been performed in countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, India, Spain, the United States, Argentina, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile, Germany, and Mexico. She is a Somatic Movement Educator: Body Mind Movement, trained in Mexico City and director of CasaViva at Tijuana. 

Throughout the year, she teaches her workshops Cuerpo Amor y Autonomía, Expansion from the Body, Santuario Corporal as well as different practices and classes in Contemporary Dance Technique, Somatic Movement Labs and Improvisation.

Estamos emocionados de darle la bienvenida por primera vez a Miroslava Wilson y Briseida López, bailarinas y coreógrafas profesionales de la región fronteriza, al Teatro El Salón. Harán una breve residencia de danza y finalizarán con un taller gratuito para la comunidad.

Taller de Danza y Movimiento Somático

Durante su residencia artística en El Salon Teatro, Miroslava y Briseida llevarán a cabo un taller experimental llamado «Creatura», en el que a través de su encuentro, han desarrollado pautas de investigación donde se encuentran la somática, la danza y la filosofía, para dar lugar a una nueva pieza performática-coreográfica. 

Ambas sostienen que el humano cuando se encuentra desde la impermanencia se transforma en criaturas sin nombre, en dos cuerpos de agua con múltiples cabezas, en una sola masa pulsando vida.

Más sobre el taller: 

Durante el taller, pasaremos tiempo juntos y disfrutaremos de las sensaciones que el agua produce en nuestro cuerpo. Esto lo haremos moviéndonos, respirando y encontrándonos con otros. Disfrutaremos de lo que nuestro cuerpo puede hacer al moverse y compartiremos lo que descubramos en el laboratorio. Esto será una introducción para la presentación del trabajo en progreso «Creatura», que se realizó durante la residencia creativa.

Taller dirigido a toda la comunidad y todas las edades

Fecha y hora:

  • 18 de Julio 2024
  • 6:00 pm Taller
  • 6.40pm Presentación work in progress

Para inscribirse al taller favor de enviar un correo a: [email protected]

Este programa fue posible gracias a la colaboración entre ConnecArte Espacio y Movimiento y Casa Familiar a través de The Front Arte y Cultura. 

Un comentario sobre “New artistic residence at El Salon Theatre with Miroslava Wilson and Briseida Lopez

  1. Mariano Munoz

    Where does one sign up for the July 18 dance workshop?

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