Exhibition: Walls, cross border urban art

Here’s a Google Map with all the murals in San Ysidro, some of them are still being painted and some others date from a few years back. Enjoy!

Virtual Opening Reception AUG 19, 2020. 6PM INSTAGRAM LIVE@TheFrontArteCultura

9 Murals will be created in San Ysidro and Tijuana. A binational collaboration between IMAC Tijuana, A Reason to Survive (ARTS) and The Front Arte & Cultura. Exhibition inside the gallery opens Aug 19, a mural intervention by artist Carlos Galindo @GR.VR, by appointment only . To make an appointment contact [email protected]

The San Diego – Tijuana region is internationally recognized for its unique border dynamics. Artists have reflected the complex reality in their works, which are often embodied in urban spaces: alleys, businesses, building walls, trucks, just to mention a few,  thus sharing a testimonial with their community.

 The Municipal Institute of Art and Culture of Tijuana, (IMAC) in collaboration with The Front Arte Cultura in San Ysidro, will hold the binational collective exhibition «Walls – Cross Border Urban Art / Muros – Arte Urbano Interfronterizo” where urban artists and muralists from the region will exhibit their work, inside and outside the galleries, intervening public spaces on both sides of the border.